Who We Are

Empowering India's Water Quality

Introducing the Water Quality India Association (WQIA)

Water Quality Association India (WQIA) is a not-for-profit organization, registered under the companies act 2013. WQIA is an independent registered legal entity. The focus is on creating awareness on the standards of drinking water quality in India.


WQIA takes great pride in its role as an educator for water treatment professionals, a certifier of water treatment products, and a pivotal platform for industry experts dedicated to enhancing water quality across India.

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WQIA History

The journey started as a task force affiliated to the Water Quality Association (WQA) USA in 2008. As the organisation grew, there was a need to have a body that was a legal entity and recognised by the Government of India. As such Water Quality India Association (WQIA) was born in 2014 -15 as an autonomous and legally recognized entity in India.The primary objective of this association is to foster greater awareness about the quality of drinking water in India.

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Striving for Upliftment of Water Quality in India

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Our Mission is to Transform India's Drinking Water Quality.
Our Vision Icons


Our Vision is to make India a Healthier Nation.
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Core Values

Having ethics and integrity in all that we do. Having a shared passion for improving water quality and increasing awareness. Influential leadership through advocacy and education. Science-based decision making. Collaboratively seeking out all stakeholders’ viewpoints and perspectives. Utilization of performance-based standards and certification.